This is a Creative Title

I don’t know if it’s weird, or silly, or what, but I always looked forward to titling my undergraduate research papers. To me, titles are sprinkles; that sweet hint of interesting before you bore a hole of psychobabble into your classmates’ skulls. I’ve listed some of my favorites below:

One with Nature? Think Again: Humans as Unnatural in Gulliver’s Travels

The Letter King: Written Correspondence in Sense and Sensibility

Flustered, Clustered, and Dead: Negative Aspects of Grouping in A Journal of the Plague Year

Giving Birth to Madness: Representations of the Maternal Figure in Victorian Culture

The Latino Homosexual: Pulling Ernesto from the Closet

Awfully Educated: Huck Finn’s Retreat into Mindlessness

So now I’m wondering: Why can’t I come up with a title for my magazine for Magazine Design and Production? I feel uninspired and stupid. My creative bones are brittle. Help me?

My magazine is for dads, sort of a MomsLikeMe (for which I had a brief stint as a freelance copy editor) for the paternal. So far I’ve got a few ideas, but nothing that gives me that feeling in my stomach; you know, the one screaming aha!, my personal Sherlock Holmes sans the digestion.

Let’s see:
Daddy Dearest
Don’t Wake Daddy (I was feeling nostalgic)
Dad or Daddy (original, I know)
Hey Daddy
Baby Blues
Hey Baby (ha, probably not)
Father’s Day (also, amazingly original)
Paternal Instincts (sounds like a bad movie)
Pop or Pops
Grow Up


Raising Dad (what I’m leaning toward)

Note: Honestly, it helps to write it down. Asking for help means you’re analyzing a need. So by listening or reading or ignoring, you’ve already helped a ton. Thank you.

Ideas added in a brainstorming session with Brian C.:
Mr. Dad
Daddio or Daddy O
MOTH (Man of the House) Magazine
Father Figure
Mr. Mom

5 thoughts on “This is a Creative Title

  1. Sadako says:

    I hate finding a title, too. I did appreciate your shout out to 90s board games, though! 😀

  2. Alexa L. says:

    Totally true! Which is why I want my mag title to be perfect 🙂

  3. Miss Innocent says:

    thinking of a title is indeed a hard task as writing your first words in a paragraph.

    titles are also like advertisements and i think most of how people choose to read or watch something is because of titles and how it gains interest and curiosity


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