Alexa Lash Gets Real As F**k in New Mental Health-Driven Acoustic Release


Florida Recording Artist Creates a Surprise Self-Empowerment Anthem for the Anxious Woman

Cover Design by Jacqueline Lesik, 2024

Miami, FL – March 1 – Check check, can you hear her? Get ready, because Alexa Lash is just getting started. Almost a year after her release of piano & strings album Heartbreak in Movements, Miami-born singer-songwriter Alexa Lash has written and recorded the first of several new releases for 2024. And this one is a two-track cry for the world to pay attention.

“F**k that Noise” is a pseudo-EP, containing Lash’s Miami-known “Check check” song, and the titular track “F**k that Noise,” the anxious woman anthem we didn’t know we needed. “F**k that Noise” is an acoustic track with a theatric quality that feels like it should be the opening number of a musical.

“If you’re ever wondering if my music is about me,” Lash says, “then this one is as ‘about me’ as it gets. I wanted to write a song that held nothing back. Something honest. Something a little funny. Something that screamed, ‘this is what I’m feeling,’ and if you connect with that, then cool.”

The titular song’s first line, “The sheer magnitude of the universe makes me anxious” is a pretty good tell as to the content of the track. It’s a delve into what an overwhelmed mind looks like. “I think about everything even when I’m trying not think about everything,” Lash says. “And I wanted the movement of the lyrics to reflect that.”

The lyrics do just that. The lyrics feel like a flowing river, one line leading into the next, into the next, until you get to its conclusion and a message to its listeners: “Don’t let one review do so much [d**n] damage.” She’s talking to herself as much as her audience – that there’s so many things judging you in this world, that you can’t let them impact you or drive you to giving up on your dreams.

Both “Check Check” and “F**k that Noise” are fully performed by Lash, and the intention was for the music to be as authentic as the lyrics. But to balance out the bare but beautiful craftsmanship of “F**k that,” the introduction was a work of art on its own. Because the song is about drowning out the noise of the world, Lash wanted to give you a taste of the world she’s silencing: a heavy cacophony of sounds collected from all around Miami and on her travels including a recent trip to New Orleans.

The introductory sounds include conversations with friends, the sound of a blender, the buildup of wind, bar noise, a jaunt through the aisles of Publix. But the fun of the introduction is that there are a few Easter eggs hidden within the 16 stereo tracks: a preview of the fourth unique release coming out this year, as well as Alexa facing her deepest insecurity: her imposter syndrome. “You’re not good enough. You’re not good enough, Alexa” is repeated throughout the introduction, making the abrupt stop of sound so significant. She’s cutting it off. She’s saying it’s 2024, we’re not going to do this anymore. The song ends with a portion of her infamous sound check song that the full release begins with.

This overall track is proof that she’s one of the strongest storytellers and lyric writers in South Florida. And in addition to releasing “F**k that Noise” as a sort-of single, she decided to give it a full circle feel by including her staple “Check Check” song as the introductory track in this release. At its most literal, this song is a sound check song, but it can also be interpreted as a cry to be listened to as a female musician in Miami. “Check check, can you hear me? I’m singing to you…” Using this track as a bookend with “F**k that Noise” is the perfect pairing for her first solo release of the year.

The EP was produced and engineered by Ferny Coipel at the Shack North in Hialeah, FL. The EP was mastered by Zach Ziskin. And the cover and accompanying art was designed by artist, Jacqueline Lesik.

F**k that Noise hits all streaming platforms on Friday, March 1st, 2024. The release date of her next song, Missing, will be announced on the 2nd.

[resolution photos and interviews available upon request]

Links to the album and additional content are available at


Alexa Lash