The [Face]Book of Inspiration, Part II

The title of each poem will be shown as it was written on Facebook. And beneath it the first name and last initial of whoever presented it.

New Beginnings
Jamie R. (aka my Mom)

I want to start over with you:
un-overthink, un-overfeel
and just kind of wave my hand
let my lips extend sideways into a half smile
and turn my head away
as if to say
this is never going to happen,
to raise my glass,
and cheers to new beginnings,
to walk out that door,
to not forget something,
oh, that’s it! my dignity,
to un-ask you for your number,
to un-kiss you,
to un, well, you know…
to simply undo

I want to start over with you.
That is to say, I want to start over without you.

Sergio A.

I contribute to a wall
of skin,
elbow bones jutting
slicing air


a pit in chaos.

Clingy poets.
Benjamin S.

I am linguistic plastic wrap,
I trap you in transparency,
tug tight and call it poetry
as pretty words do spoil

better yet, wrap words in foil!
images packed in obscurity
aluminum-bound unsurity
in the state of rotting verbs.

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