The Permanence of Pen, Volume III

These are the last, for now, of the journal poems. There are more in the journal (pages and pages of random rhyme) but I felt like you received an adequate representation of my high school poetry, of my attempts at being artsy in a sense. Please excuse the lack of punctuation and some of the terrible lines I used for the sake of repetitive sound. These poems are a mix of short and long, cute and contemplative. For what seems like the thousandth time, enjoy.

Wild Roses
by Alexa L., written from a place where flowers are probably artificial

A wild rose alone am I
I paint myself in every scene
A beauty I have always been
I’m loved by bee and butterfly

I bend my head to soak the sun
And bathe in nature’s golden light
Dreaming of the cool of night
And waiting ’til the day is done

My petals dance in subtle breeze
And play their own amorous song
Afraid of dancing much too long
And being swept away with ease

Basking in a moonlit field
I fool the light by growing more
And when the rain threatens to pour
My leaves are weapons roses wield

I dance in rain, I dance in heat
I dance when dancing hurts my growth
The dark, the light, I cherish both
My roots become my tangled feet

My thorns are not meant to be used
Unless my dance is somehow ceased
By ladybugs, or man, or beast
A rose should never be abused

by Alexa L., written in pieces

Why waste your thoughts upon the future
When the now is in your thoughts alone?
For every heart that I’ve left broken,
Your heart has in a million places grown.

Sorrow is always mourned when there’s no fortune
And angels cry themselves to sleep in bed
Their wings do keep their bodies steady
For sorrow leaves their tired wings for dead.

If you believe in love, it’s you I envy
For I had thought that love could not be real
And when your face had ever made me smile
A smile more I knew you’d try to steal

by Alexa L., written for no particular reason

I’m afraid of death, because I’m living
Even when the living is a lie
But I have promised always to be giving
My heart, my soul, until the day I die.

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